Via Cistio 66
50039 Vicchio (Florence)
Tuscan -
Mobile Phone +39 3206871071 - +351 911723156
Phone/fax +39 0558497437
By car from north and south
Leave the A1 autostrada at the exit Barberino di Mugello and follow the signs Borgo San Lorenzo and there you follow the signs towards Vicchio/Sagginale (righthand side of the river Sieve), After about 5 km you will see a sign Cistio and Villa Campestri, turn right follow through the little village of Vicchio after about 1,5 km uphill you will reach Sommavilla on the lefthand side.
Arriving from Florence
You follow the signs for Borgo San Lorenzo and then the directions above. We are happy to organize Pick-up from the airports of Florence, Bologna and Pisa and from the stations of Florence and Borgo San Lorenzo prices on request.